Stay certified in

Anesthesiology Critical Care Medicine

MOC Exam


Dates & Fees

Exam DateTBD
Application & Registration WindowTBD
Exam Fee*$1,950
* Fees subject to change

To maintain your ACCM certification, you must participate in continuing certification requirements. Sign in to your ABEM Portal to view specific requirements and deadlines.

Continuing Certification Process

Sign in to your ABEM Portal to:

  • Learn your requirements and status
  • Provide medical licensure information
  • Review completed activities and LLSA test results
  • Review LLSA readings, as well as register for and take required LLSA tests
  • Attest to completion of IMP Practice Improvement activities

ACCM-certified physicians must meet one or more ABEM continuing certification requirements before reaching their five-year deadline. To regain “participating in continuing certification” status, they must make up missed requirements before the end of their ten-year certification period.

To register for the Anethesioolgy MOC Examination, ACCM-certified physicians complete the current year’s MOC Examination registration form, which is available from the ABEM office.

The following must be submitted for an application to be complete:

  • Completed and signed current-year ACCM MOC Examination registration form
  • Additional items included in the materials or referred to in the registration form instructions, if applicable
  • Registration fee and examination fee in U.S. funds

The registration fee is an administrative fee that covers the cost of reviewing and authorizing the exam registration and submitting that authorization to the board administering the exam, and cannot be refunded.

By signing the registration form, physicians give ABEM permission to verify information submitted.

ABEM emails a receipt when the registration and examination fees are received, and a notification when the examination authorization has been sent to the administering board. 

Physicians will receive information about how to schedule an appointment to take the exam.

ABEM forwards a candidate’s examination authorization to the ABA on a weekly basis, who will contact candidates with information on how to schedule their exam appointment. 

The exam outline and blueprinting for the Anesthesiology Critical Care Medicine MOC Examination is available on the ABA website.

ABEM sends candidates the results of their examination in writing. Results are also posted online.

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