MyEMSCert is a new way for EMS-certified physicians to stay certified.
Core elements of MyEMSCert include:
- Topic-specific modules that incorporate relevant subjects in EMS
- Open-book modules that can be completed anywhere, anytime
- Immediate feedback pass/fail results, correct answers, and rationales
- Content that keeps you informed about Knowledge Advancements in the specialty
How to prepare for your modules
As an open-book assessment, study requirements should be minimal, but we recommend reviewing the materials that go with the module you plan on taking before getting started. If you have questions, we have several FAQs, tutorials, and videos.
MyEMSCert Topics & Study Points
Review Materials
Cardiac Arrest and Shock
Pulmonary Emergencies
Cardiovascular Emergencies
NEW! Neurologic and Obstetric Emergencies
NEW! Mass Casualty Management
Knowledge Advancements Reading List
CME and Reciprocal Credit
Make the most of your modules! Don’t forget that you can get low-cost CME if you select it during module registration. Specific modules can also count for your EM requirements.

Your EMS Requirements
You can view your individual requirements by signing in to your ABEM Portal. In general, staying certified in EMS requires:
- 4 MyEMSCert modules
- Moving to a 5-year certification cycle (if you aren’t already)
- Payment of an annual fee. This is replacing your other activity fees.
- 1 Practice Improvement (PI) activity
- Compliance with ABEM’s Policy on Medical Licensure
- Agreeing to ABEM’s Code of Professionalism
Because of the rollout timeframe of MyEMSCert and the transition from a 10-year to a 5-year certification cycle, you may have more than one option for completing your requirements.