Exam & Certification Statistics
Total physicians board certified in EM by ABEM
(As of December 31, 2024)
2024 Application and Exam Statistics
2,948 certification applications received.
Qualifying Exam: Of the 2,976 first-time takers, 2,444 (82%) passed
Oral Certification Exam: Of the 2,621 first-time takers, 2,513 (96%) passed
Subspecialty Certification
Current totals for all physicians who hold a subspecialty certification through ABEM, as of February 2025.
Subspecialty numbers also include physicians who are not Emergency Medicine certified by ABEM.
- Addiction Medicine*:Â 331
- Anesthesiology Critical Care Medicine: 207
- Clinical Informatics*: 274
- Emergency Medical Services: 1,213
- Hospice and Palliative Medicine: 315
- Internal Medicine – Critical Care Medicine: 468
- Medical Toxicology: 631
- Neurocritical Care: 114
- Pain Medicine: 55
- Pediatric Emergency Medicine: 318
- Sports Medicine: 629
- Surgical Critical Care*: 78
- Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine:Â 149
- Advanced Emergency Medicine Ultrasonography: 615
     Total = 4,773
* Certificates issued by other ABMS member boards as of October 2024.