EM 2024 LLSA Reading List


Stiell IG, de Wit K, Scheuermeyer FX, Vadeboncoeur A, Angaran P, Eagles D, et al. 2021 CAEP acute atrial fibrillation/flutter best practices checklist. CJEM 2021 Sep;23(5):604-10. doi: 10.1007/s43678-021-00167-y. Epub 2021 Aug 12. PMID: 34383280.

  • ___________________ and ___________________ are considered first line therapy for rate control in atrial fibrillation.


Long B, Lentz S, Gottlieb M. Alcoholic ketoacidosis: etiologies, evaluation, and management. J Emerg Med 2021 Dec;61(6):658-65. doi: 10.1016/j.jemermed.2021.09.007. Epub 2021 Oct 26. PMID: 34711442.

  • Alcoholic ketoacidosis is related to low ___________________ stores and an elevated ___________________.
  • The cornerstone of alcoholic ketoacidosis treatment includes the administration of ___________________.

Infectious Diseases

Long B, Gottlieb M. Diagnosis and management of cellulitis and abscess in the emergency department setting: an evidence-based review. J Emerg Med 2022 Jan;62(1):16-27. doi: 10.1016/j.jemermed.2021.09.015. Epub 2021 Oct 14. PMID: 34657784.

  • ___________________ is the most common etiologic agent in abscesses. 

Tuddenham S, Hamill MM, Ghanem KG. Diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections: a review. JAMA 2022 Jan 11;327(2):161-72. doi: 10.1001/jama.2021.23487. PMID: 35015033.

  • The majority of infections with ___________________, ___________________, and extragenital ___________________ and ___________________ infections are asymptomatic or associated with few symptoms.
  • Sexually transmitted infections are associated with ___________________ acquisition and transmission and are the leading cause of ___________________.

Palliative Care

Loffredo AJ, Chan GK, Wang DH, Goett R, Isaacs ED, Pearl R, et al. United States best practice guidelines for primary palliative care in the emergency department. Ann Emerg Med 2021 Nov;78(5):658-69. doi: 10.1016/j.annemergmed.2021.05.021. PMID: 34353647.

  • Terminal secretions are best controlled with ___________________.


Tzimenatos L, Nigrovic LE. Managing diabetic ketoacidosis in children. Ann Emerg Med 2021 Sep;78(3):340-5. doi: 10.1016/j.annemergmed.2021.02.028. PMID: 33966934.

  • Children with DKA require serial laboratory studies for electrolyte derangements and close clinical monitoring for signs of ___________________, an uncommon but potentially fatal complication.
  • Clinicians should use ___________________ to guide the fluid resuscitation of children with diabetic ketoacidosis and a GCS ≥ 14.

Pediatrics/Infectious Disease

Pernica JM, Harman S, Kam AJ, Carciumaru R, Vanniyasingam T, Crawford T, et al. Short-course antimicrobial therapy for pediatric community-acquired pneumonia: the SAFER randomized clinical trial. JAMA Pediatr 2021 May 1;175(5):475-82. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2020.6735. PMID: 33683325.

  • Results of the SAFER trial suggest that ___________________ course therapy for pediatric community-acquired pneumonia not requiring hospitalization offers more benefit than harm and should be considered for inclusion in treatment guidelines.

Pediatrics/Infectious Disease/COVID

Waseem M, Shariff MA, Tay ET, Mortel D, Savadkar S, Lee H, et al. Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children. J Emerg Med 2022 Jan;62(1):28-37. doi: 10.1016/j.jemermed.2021.07.070. Epub 2021 Sep 17. PMID: 34538678; PMCID: PMC8445772.

  • MIS-C is a diagnosis of exclusion and other ___________________ and ___________________ causes should be ruled out.
  • Potentially differentiating features of MIS-C as compared to Kawasaki’s disease include ___________________ and ___________________ counts.


Cognat E, Koehl B, Lilamand M, Goutagny S, Belbachir A, de Charentenay L, et al. Preventing post-lumbar puncture headache. Ann Emerg Med 2021 Sep;78(3):443-50. doi: 10.1016/j.annemergmed.2021.02.019. Epub 2021 May 7. PMID: 33966935.

  • The use of ___________________ is the most effective intervention for post lumbar headache prevention.


Gottlieb M, Long B. Peripheral nerve block for hip fracture. Acad Emerg Med 2021 Oct;28(10):1198-9. doi: 10.1111/acem.14239. Epub 2021 Apr 9. PMID: 33638287.

  • Peripheral nerve block reduced pain on movement by ___________________ on a 1 to 10 scale compared to no nerve block.


Lentz S, Grossman A, Koyfman A, Long B. High-risk airway management in the emergency department: diseases and approaches, part II. J Emerg Med 2020 Oct;59(4):573-85. doi: 10.1016/j.jemermed.2020.05.009. Epub 2020 Jun 23. PMID: 32591298.

  • In patients with elevated intracranial pressure, you should maintain a ___________________ mm Hg and oxygenation ___________________.

Substance Use Disorder

Cates AL, Farmer B. Chronic drug use and abdominal pain. Emerg Med Clin North Am. 2021 Nov;39(4):821-37. doi: 10.1016/j.emc.2021.07.006. Epub 2021 Sep 9. PMID: 34600640.

  • Intestinal ___________________ secondary to cocaine use has been reported and can cause significant morbidity and mortality.
  • A clinical syndrome of cyclical nausea, vomiting, and abdominal cramping in the setting of ___________________ is typically associated with a full recovery following cessation of use.

Hawk K, Hoppe J, Ketcham E, LaPietra A, Moulin A, Nelson L, et al. Consensus recommendations on the treatment of opioid use disorder in the emergency department. Ann Emerg Med 2021 Sep;78(3):434-42. doi: 10.1016/j.annemergmed.2021.04.023. Epub 2021 Jun 23. PMID: 34172303.

  • Based on literature review, clinical experience, and expert consensus, it is recommended that ED clinicians treat opioid withdrawal and offer ___________________ with ___________________ for patients with untreated opioid use disorder.


  • Calcium Channel Blockers and Beta Blockers are considered first line therapy for rate control in atrial fibrillation.


  • Alcoholic ketoacidosis is related to low glycogen stores and an elevated NADH.
  • The cornerstone of alcoholic ketoacidosis treatment includes the administration of glucose.

Infectious Diseases

  • MRSA is the most common etiologic agent in abscesses. 
  • The majority of infections with HSVtrichomoniasis, and extragenital gonorrhea and chlamydia infections are asymptomatic or associated with few symptoms.
  • Sexually transmitted infections are associated with HIV acquisition and transmission and are the leading cause of tubal factor infertility in women.

Palliative Care

  • Terminal secretions are best controlled with Atropine 0.5 mg IV or 2 gtt po or Glycopyrolate 0.1 mg IV or 0.2 mg po.


  • Children with DKA require serial laboratory studies for electrolyte derangements and close clinical monitoring for signs of cerebral edema, an uncommon but potentially fatal complication.
  • Clinicians should use hydration status to guide the fluid resuscitation of children with diabetic ketoacidosis and a GCS ≥ 14.

Pediatrics/Infectious Disease

  • Results of the SAFER trial suggest that short course therapy for pediatric community-acquired pneumonia not requiring hospitalization offers more benefit than harm and should be considered for inclusion in treatment guidelines.

Pediatrics/Infectious Disease/COVID

  • MIS-C is a diagnosis of exclusion and other bacterial and viral causes should be ruled out.
  • Potentially differentiating features of MIS-C as compared to Kawasaki’s disease include platelet and lymphocyte counts.


  • The use of atraumatic non-cutting needles is the most effective intervention for post lumbar headache prevention.


  • Peripheral nerve block reduced pain on movement by 2.5 on a 1 to 10 scale compared to no nerve block.


  • In patients with elevated intracranial pressure, you should maintain a PaCO2 of 35-45 mm Hg and oxygenation >94%.

Substance Use Disorder

  • Intestinal ischemia secondary to cocaine use has been reported and can cause significant morbidity and mortality.
  • A clinical syndrome of cyclical nausea, vomiting, and abdominal cramping in the setting of chronic cannabis use is typically associated with a full recovery following cessation of use.
  • Based on literature review, clinical experience, and expert consensus, it is recommended that ED clinicians treat opioid withdrawal and offer buprenorphine with direct linkage to ongoing medication and treatment for patients with untreated opioid use disorder.

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