Certification Process

We applaud you for taking on this challenge and following your desire to meet the highest standards in Emergency Medicine! Your ABEM certification will be valuable to your career and patients. Just follow these steps as we guide you through the process:

Which exam should I take? Flow chart

Why is the Oral Exam being retired in 2025?

ABEM is developing a new assessment that reflects years of feedback and research from the community on the value of ABEM certification.

How is the Certifying Exam different from the Oral Exam?

The Certifying Exam will take place at a testing center in Raleigh, NC. This setup involves simulated cases with examiners and trained actors. It will allow for the evaluation of additional competencies such as troubleshooting, managing conflict, and procedural skills.

What are the two types of cases in this exam?

Clinical Care cases involve dialogue with an examiner to assess clinical judgment, demonstrate how you prioritize patient care, and assess your adaptability to unexpected clinical changes. Objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) cases involve a trained actor and assess high-stakes communication, professionalism, technical, and procedural skills.

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Certification by the American Board of Emergency Medicine is considered the gold standard for emergency physicians.

It indicates a physician is dedicated to delivering high-quality care and has demonstrated the skills and ongoing expertise needed to meet the highest professional credential in Emergency Medicine. It also signals a physician’s commitment to staying up-to-date with the latest medical advances.

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Take your career to the next level by earning an Emergency Medicine subspecialty certification. There are many choices!

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