ABEM continues to seek ways to enhance the value of your certification, promote its value to health systems, and diversify your career options. One example is providing ever-growing opportunities to obtain subspecialty certification and a focused practice designation (FPD). In 2010, there were five ABEM-issued subspecialty certifications available. Today there are fourteen that are available to ABEM-certified physicians plus an FPD. Currently over 3,600 ABEM-certified physicians hold a subspecialty certification or FPD, amounting to nearly 9 percent of all ABEM-certified physicians. That may not sound like much, but it represents an over 300 percent increase in the number of physicians with added credentials since 2010!
An additional subspecialty certification is on the way: Health Care Administration, Leadership, and Management (HALM). The ACGME has already approved fellowship requirements in HALM, stating that training “. . . integrates medical knowledge with health systems science, allowing fellows to develop skills of physician executives who manage patient care operations across medical specialties and health care professions.”
ABEM has applied to the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) to offer subspecialty certification in HALM. If approved, ABMS boards would have the opportunity to open certification to their physicians as well.
The core content and eligibility criteria for HALM were developed by working with several medical specialty boards as well as the American College of Healthcare Executives and the American Association for Physician Leadership. Physicians who have completed a non–ACGME-accredited fellowship as well as those without fellowship training will have the opportunity to apply via time-limited pathways. This subspecialty certification is geared toward institutional leaders, including emergency physicians who work in community hospitals. Physicians with experience in talent management, big data analysis, large-scale process improvements, and fiscal oversight will be encouraged to apply. Examples of the types of positions that would have the necessary experience to qualify under the practice-only pathway include Designated Institutional Officer, Chief Medical Officer, Chief Executive Officer, Vice President for Medical Affairs, and Chief Quality Officer. Also being explored is a pathway for mid-career physicians.
ABEM will provide additional information about the status of HALM as it becomes available. Stay tuned. Questions? Contact ABEM at 517-332-4800, Option 4, or subspecialties@abem.org.